Management Dashboards

Management Dashboards

Schools greatly benefit when utilizing dashboards with their boards of trustees.

Parke Consulting will partner with you to create customized one-page dashboards of leading and lagging indicators for your school. We have found that sharing dashboards with your board of trustees lead to:

  1. a greater focus on your core issues;

  2. enhanced engagement by way of a more robust discussion; and

  3. an increase in trustees confidence of your management of the school.

Parke Consulting can develop:

  • A variety of different types of dashboards depending on your schools unique challenges;

  • The key indicators you should track in order to ensure you are on the right path to financial sustainability;

  • The best benchmarks to compare yourself and approaches to determining how you shoot set your goals/targets for your indicators;

  • The frequency and mode of distribution dashboard information to trustees, administration, faculty/staff, and parents/alumni; and

  • The appropriate balance between financial/operational indicators and academic indicators.